Download Mobile Software
Download the file with the suffix APK which matches the resolution of your device’s display, or the file with the suffix APK marked as: “suitable for display of any resolution”:
Download version 9.8.2, APK — From Navitel server
Download version 9.8.2, APK — From DDG server
iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry OS, Bada
The update can be done exclusively by using the dedicated operating system’s utilities for updating the applications.
To update the system, the file with the suffix SIS must be downloaded to the device’s memory, and then run.
Download version, SIS
Windows Mobile
There are two ways how to do the update:
- Manually: To update the system, the file with the suffix CAB must be downloaded to the device’s memory (by any means available), and then run.
Download version, CAB - Using ActiveSync: To update the system, the file with the suffix EXE must be downloaded to the computer; then proceed according to the instructions of the ActiveSync program.
Download version, EXE
Download PND and InDash Software
There are two ways how to do the update, both require connecting the navigation device to a computer by cable:
- Automatic mode (available only to PCs running under the Windows operating system).
To update the system, the program Navitel Navigator Updater must be downloaded to the PC, using the Windows operating system; after that, follow the steps described in the user instructions.
Download Navitel Navigator Updater into the PC, ZIP
Download Navitel Navigator Updater User Instructions, PDF - Manual mode (Windows, OSX/MacOS, Linux and other OS).
Follow the instructions for a manual mode update.